Netfleet became a fully accredited auDA registrar in June 2012, and we have been offering domain...
Updating Domain Contact InformationTo update your contact information for a domain name such as email address, display name and...
Updating Domain Name ServersTo update your domain name servers (to point your domain to a different hosting provider in...
Retrieve Domain Password (EPP Code)To retrieve your domain name password for a domain name, once logged in, choose the Domain Names...
Domain CertificatesTo retrieve your domain name certificate for a domain name, once logged in, choose the Domain...
Moving Domains to NetfleetMoving domains to Netfleet (transferring from another registrar to Netfleet), is completely free...
Moving Domains to Another CompanyYou need to speak to your registrar about how to move your domain names to them, as each...
Renewing Domains with NetfleetRenewing domains on Netfleet will give you a further 2 years of registration for your...
Auto Renewing Domains with NetfleetThere is also the ability for us to automatically renewyour domain names at Netfleet ensuring you...
Change of Registrant (Ownership Change) with NetfleetChange of registrant (COR, or often called registrant name change, ownership change, registrant...
Domain DNS ServicesNetfleet do not offer any DNS services for managing A, MX, CNAME, TXT etc. Our partners...
Domain Email ServicesNetfleet do not offer any email services. Our partners Netregistry do however offer this...
Domain Hosting ServicesNetfleet do not offer any hosting services. Our partners Netregistry do however offer this...
Domain ParkingOne of the most effective ways to sell a domain name is to advertise on your domain names website...