Sell Domains
Sell Domains
You have definitely come to the right place - with over 35,000 domain name sales in the past 4 years, more .au names are sold each week at Netfleet than on any other platform.
- our renewal fees are the lowest available
- it is far simpler and less expensive to sell a domain on either on our auction or catalogue platform if your domain is parked with Netfleet.
Domains for Sale (Catalogue)
A catalogue listing allows you to enter a BUY IT NOW PRICE with no end date / time and customers have the opportunity to either click the "buy in now" or to send you an offer.
Under the catalogue listing, and after an offer has been placed, you (the seller) will have 7 days to accept the offer, ignore the offer or counteroffer.
Sign into your account on, go to the section labelled Buying and Selling. Select Domains for Sale (detailed below) and follow the instructions on the screen.
For catalogue listing - we charge an 8% commission on sale of the domain. We handle the invoicing, the transfer and we walk you through the change of registrant process.
For an auction listing with no reserve - we charge an 8% commission on sale of the domain. We handle the invoicing, the transfer and we walk you through the change of registrant process.
To get an idea of the value of your domain name, we recommend using an appraisal service such as Estibot Use this information combined with any knowledge you may have of interest in the domain from within your industry or region.
The best ways to achieve a good sale is to do as much of your own marketing as possible.
Create banners on your parked page
Create direct links on your parked page to your listing on Netfleet
Generate as much general market interest through your own industry and market as possible.
Netfleet currently have over 50,000 names for sale and we sell hundreds of premium names per month so sales are not certainly not created simply by the home page listing.
We can't guarantee a quick sale as we don't know the market for your domain name. If there is great interest and the price is right, it will sell quickly but there is no way we can know or advise of this in advance.
For more information on how best to combine the Domain Auction and Domains for Sale, please go to the following article on our blog.