Yesterday 01/12/2015 we had a bug in the reporting run that showed all domains had been lost at auction. However as many customers realised, via whois checks, we managed to secure 100% of the names we where pursuing yesterday for our clients. We have corrected this issue and apologies to the affected customers, on conclusion of today’s auction our billing run will start again and properly report the wins to the clients who where in the position of highest bidder. If any of the winning clients have further issues with the domains secured as a result of this bug please […]
November is an exciting time for Netfleet. Improvements are being made everywhere to help our clients secure the best domain names available. Advancing our alerts functions In the coming weeks Netfleet will be launching new advanced alerting functionality that will better help you target keywords and monitor for domain availability. We have taken advantage of the latest keyword building techniques provided from Google’s summer of code project and implemented it into our email alerting. Once this feature is available you will be able to more precisly target domains that are relevant to you keep and eye on for when […]
As promised Netfleet is looking for our clients to tell us what they want to see changed we have opened an idea’s forum up on tricider – Please head over to this link and list any Ideas you have, vote on existing posted ideas or add an argument for or against a posted idea, We want to hear what our customers want and why so tell us now. The tricider link will be active for 30days we will then review the feedback.
As many of our customers would be aware there has recently been a significant amount of media attention surrounding an incident that occurred with Netfleets auction system. A telemarketer in his first week with Netfleet inadvertently accessed limited data on existing bids in our daily expired domain auction. It appears that he used that information as a benchmark to influence a bid from a third party on a single domain. As the auction system is a blind auction, this inferred knowledge gave an unfair advantage to the third party. This disadvantaged the existing high bidder. We have issued a formal […]
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