In September, Netfleet along with the other 38 .au accredited registrars were invited to the AusRegistry Registrar Conference on the Gold Coast. It was the first attendance for Netfleet having recently been accredited, and was a superb opportunity to meet representatives from all the registrars that have helped build and continue to build the .au domain space.
One of the many highlights for us was the presentation on Portfolio Holders, and with AusRegistrys permission we have been able to publish it here. AR consider a “Portfolio Holder” to be a registrant who owns over 50 domain names, of course some of these registrants would make up larger companies covering their brands/niches, however many are made up of the majority of clients we have on Netfleet – domainers.
We all love data, and this presentation wallows in it. Before reading the article, have a guess on how many “Portfolio Owners” there are in .au? And what percent of the entire market do you think they take up? I for one, was entirely wrong! Please follow the link below:
Registrar Conference 2012 – Portfolio Holder Report
Hope you enjoy
The Netfleet Team
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